
Health & Human Resources

Providing human resources with the ability to remotely analyze and assess candidate fit, employee wellbeing and burnout, and constant employee retention predictions. In a healthcare application, we also provide the ability to measure patient energy level, anxiety, and wellness tendencies to help create personalized health programs.

Through behavioral analytics, Voicesense provides early warning for an individual’s burn-out probabilities and/or potential stress-related risks. Through assessing personal and professional wellness, you can maintain a positive and supportive work environment, as well as proactively encourage and promote healthier lifestyles and attitudes, and enable proactive steps to support Human Resources.

  • Increase Candidate Success
    & Reduce Hiring Time

  • Optimize Employee
    Retention & Wellness

  • Mental Health Screening &
    Remote Patient Monitoring

  • background

Increase Candidate Success
& Reduce Hiring Time

Utilize our AI-driven large and diverse data mining to get interaction and behavior insights regarding candidates from voice/video diaries or from the first to last interview.
Assist talent resources by focusing their time efficiencies and attention on those candidates most likely to succeed in a specific role with smart job match assessments.
Improve candidate ROI using job matching scores and the in-depth working profile report of each candidate’s tendencies and soft skills.

Optimize Employee
Retention & Wellness

Track satisfaction levels and churn probability within key departments of your organization – identifying “at risk” employees before their performance drops, or those at high risk of churn.
Using our Wellness tracking product, you can provide your employees an easy-to-use tool to track their own mental wellness, such as stress, burnout, energy, coping, and engagement, in a secure and private environment.
Use ongoing monitoring to lower rates of absences owing to better stress management and health behaviors, including fewer health problems and anxiety.

Mental Health Screening &
Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote mental health monitoring tools for early detection of patient’s mental health status and risk probability.
Trends and baseline set for in-patient & out-patient monitoring of positive progress, and alerts to early signs of decline, for optimal, and cost effective, care plans.
Real time screening for mental health issues to provide teams with immediate insights into burn-out, depression, stress and anxiety.
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